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OCU awarded prize for ‘Leading Companies with Actively Participating Women in Osaka City’

Published on Mar 07, 2016


OCU was awarded a prize by the City of Osaka for actively promoting the involvement of women participating in the workforce. OCU was specifically rewarded for its efforts in the following three categories: “Creation of an organization where ambitious women can continue to succeed”, “Support for Work/Life Balance”, and “Support for men who participate in childcare, housework and community activities”.

The prize was one of 7, handed out to companies or organizations that made special or remarkable efforts in 2015 to support female work participation. The ceremony took place on 5 March 2016 and OCU was selected from among 94 candidate organizations.

Vice President Hiroshi Oshima attended the ceremony on behalf of OCU and received the prize from Vice Mayor Hiroshi Nakao of the City of Osaka. He also explained the efforts of OCU to the award ceremony audience.

OCU is honored to have received the prize and will of course continue its endeavors in this field.
