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Osaka City University Hospital Hosts Korean Students

Published on Jan 29, 2020


Approximately 30 students from two universities in Korea (Shingu University and Kangwon National University), majoring in diagnostic radiology, nutrition, dental hygiene and medical treatment, visited Osaka City University Hospital on Tuesday 7 January 2020 to learn about the latest radiological technology in Japan.

Mr. Takao Ichida from the Healthcare Division, OCU Hospital gave a presentation on the optimization of medical exposure in Japan and talked about protection technology, radiation monitoring, optimization management of protocol settings and the latest equipment. A facility tour was conducted in small groups and they visited the CR, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and central laboratory rooms. They even observed an actual intravascular operation.

They were very excited to hear explanations of the latest and rare equipment and inspection items in Japan and were delighted to have their many questions succinctly answered.

At OCU Hospital on 7 January 2020

Chief Ichida talks in front of the Korean students
Mr. Ichida talks in front of the Korean students
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (1)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (1)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (2)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (2)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (3)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (3)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (4)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (4)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (5)
A medical facility tour at OCU Hospital (5)
Group photo at the heliport
Group photo at the heliport

