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Message from the new president Arakawa

Published on Apr 01, 2016


Glocal hub of wisdom and wellness filled with smiles160401-1

?? As a comprehensive university, Osaka City University endeavors to accumulate knowledge in a wide range of fields and to take the lead in creating a strong Osaka, under the slogan ‘Glocal hub of wisdom and wellness filled with smiles’. Through the joint forces of academia and industry, we aim to contribute to the creation and reinvigoration of industries in Osaka that support our ageing society.

?? OCU is an urban comprehensive university with a history of 135 years. It has always grown together with the city and flexibly adapted to the changing demands of the time, staying true to its founding principles and traditions.

?? As a public university we are in a unique position to support regional revitalization and function as a gateway to disseminate the knowledge we gather at a local level to a global audience. This is the new-style university we are aiming for.
?? We want to create a campus where students, faculty and staff can identify and solve problems on an equal footing and in a friendly atmosphere, with a high degree of satisfaction. I call on all our students, alumni, citizens and of course faculty and staff, to work together to realize a university of which we can all be proud and where we can all realize our dreams!

?? Tetsuo Arakawa
?? Chairperson and President of Osaka City University
