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‘No-no-Hana House’ café and restaurant opened in Media Center

Published on Sep 10, 2014


The former Wisteria café-restaurant on the ground floor of the OCU Media Center reopened on 10 September with a brand new interior and a brand new name: No-no-Hana House.

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◆Idea input from professors and students of the Faculty of Human Life Science
A relaxing color scheme for the interior, counter seats at the window to make it easy to come in even when you are alone, sofas in the back where small groups can chat and relax, a café-menu for the time between lunch and dinner. Not all ideas and wishes could be realized within the available time and budget, but the result of the collaboration with the Faculty of Human Life Science was definitely great.

Ms. Watanabe and Professor Miura

◆Entrance glass door design by 3rd year student of the Faculty of Human Life Science Kaori Watanabe
Ms. Watanabe created the beautiful design within 2 months, mixing the concepts of a door into a 'forest of books' and the restaurant name ‘No-no Hana’ (flower field). She became involved in the design when the renewal of the Wisteria restaurant was used as an assignment in the 2nd year course ‘Interior Planning’ by Professor Miura. She put all her effort in the assignment and the result was more than excellent.

◆Training for Human Development and Welfare students
The restaurant employs people with a disability and provides training opportunities for students from the Human Development and Welfare Course of the Faculty of Human Life Science, who can get practice in supporting people with a disability in the workplace.

◆Student suggestions for new menu realized?
It is still in the planning phase, but hopefully the menu suggestions by the students and professors from the Food and Nutrition Course of the Faculty of Human Life Science will be realized in the near future.

No-no-Hana House  http://nonohanahouse.rest/index.htm (in Japanese)Officially opened on 10 September 2014
Opening hours:
???? Weekdays 9:00~21:00 (Last order: 20:00)
???? Saturday: 10:00~19:00 (Last order: 18:30)
???? Closed on: Sundays and National Holidays
