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2012 OCU Entrance Ceremony

Published on Apr 10, 2012



Osaka City University (OCU) held the 2012 entrance ceremony for its new students on Thursday 5 April 2012 in the Osaka Municipal Central Gymnasium. The university will welcome 1,491 undergraduate students, 26 transfer undergraduate students, 551 master students, 154 doctoral students and 55 professional (law) degree students this year.

Among the new undergraduate students are 14 international students, among the master students 31, and among the doctoral students 8. The new international students come from China, South-Korea and Austria.

In his welcome speech OCU President Yoshiki Nishizawa emphasized the 132 year history of OCU as a comprehensive public university in the city of Osaka. 'OCU still adheres to its founding principles, regarding the city as the center point of creative learning, that guides all aspects of education, research and social contributions. By functioning as a think-tank for urban research, we would like to fulfill our university's mission to serve as a creative intellectual base necessary for the revitalization of Osaka and the Kansai region. I hope that in your student life you will keep in mind the 5 qualities of intellect, persuasion, physical stamina, self-discipline and willpower and that you will make the most of your university years.'

His words were followed by the congratulatory address of the chairman of the OCU Associates Keiichirou Takahara, spoken on his behalf by the secretary, a speech by Natsumi Oku (Faculty of Science) as representative of this year's new undergraduate students and Tomomi Ueda (Graduate School for Creative Cities) as representative of this year's new graduate students.

The entrance ceremony was closed by a performance of the OCU chorus 'Friede' and the OCU Symphony Orchestra.

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Photos (left): Natsumi Oku (Faculty of Science), (right): Tomomi Ueda (Graduate School for Creative Cities.
